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Work in progress

``More than Average Income? Preferences for Income Equality and Mobility Statistics,'' joint with Kenneth A. Shores, revision requested at The Review of Economics and Statistics.


To describe preferences for income mobility/equality, we generate statistics that can be interpreted as marginal rates of substitution and converted to willingness-to-pay (WTP). All else constant, U.S. residents are willing to pay $2,736 dollars to increase income equality 10 percentiles and $1,778 dollars to increase income mobility 10 percentiles. Liberals' WTP for income equality is two times larger than conservatives'; there are no significant differences in the WTP for mobility. Educational attainment, income, ideology, and beliefs about upward mobility negatively predict a WTP for income equality; the only predictor of the WTP for mobility is gender.


``Over-Reporting Social Services: Evidence from School Audits in Chile,'' joint with Eduardo Fajnzylber, submitted.


Public subsidies incentivize private institutions to provide social services; however, incentives can elicit rent extraction activities. This paper studies such phenomena in Chile, where private and public schools receive attendance-based subsidies. Analyzing data from school-reported attendance against unique audit data, we find that pre-K and K12 institutions over-report attendance by approximately 11% and 2.5%, respectively. We identify for-profit motives and low-SES student proportion as significant predictors of over-reporting. Achievement and expenditure data show that low-achievement for-profit institutions over-report for rent extraction purposes. Our results suggest a problematic link between profit motives and public subsidies, resulting in inefficiency in social services.


``Analysis of School Leadership Recruitment,'' joint with Christopher Candelaria, Sergio Múñoz, and Gonzalo Valdés U.


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